+1 816-420-1012
We have got 78 reports against 8164201012
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 8164201012
Location: Kansas City, MO
Operator: Билайн
Views: 236
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Best report
Sep 11, 2016
I constantly reciever calls from this number more than 3 sometimes more times a day everyday . I am very close to getting the law invovled .
Debt collector
Recent comments:
Dec 4, 2008
I keep getting calls from them too but its just a recording and by the time i answer its already halfway thru the message. my husband answered it the first time and said it was something about our sears card. but we dont even have a sears credit card.
Dec 29, 2008
I have been getting repeated phone calls from this number. I would never give out info. because I was kind of leary of the call. I called Sears where they verified it was not through them. This is annoying and I want it to stop!
Dec 30, 2008
Repeat calls every day of the week including Sunday, starting about 8:30 a.m. and continuing until 8:30 to 9:00 p.m.  Caller ID says "Citicorp Credit."  To others on this site who say they do not have a Sears card or account...do you have a MasterCard?  My Sears store card was converted to a MasterCard credit card a few years ago without me having to do anything.  Citicorp is the credit issuer for the Sears MasterCard.  Do not call the number that shows up in your Caller ID.  Do not call the number the recording tells you to call.  If you have a Sears MasterCard, find the phone number for customer service on your monthly statement.  Or access your account online, go to the link titled "Contact Us," and locate the toll-free telephone number and mailing address.  Look up the phone number for your state's Dept of Consumer Affairs and for your state's Attorney General in the government pages of your telephone directory.  If the numbers are not listed, call the main information number for government offices and ask for the name and telephone number of the head of Consumer Affairs and the Attorney General.  Call the Customer Service number for Sears MasterCard.   Do not speak to the first customer rep who answers your call.  He/she has no authority.  Immediately ask to speak to his/her supervisor and tell him/her (politely and with no offensive language) that you are going to report the company to the Department of Consumer Affairs and/or Attorney General for your particular state if the harassing phone calls are not stopped immediately.  Tell the supervisor this is not a threat, but a promise.  If that person says he/she cannot do anything about the harassing phone calls, ask to speak to that person's supervisor.  "The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so keep on squeakin'!"  An attorney in the state of South Carolina made a living out of taking telemarketers to small claims court and won $500 for each case he won; he won every case!  He kept a daily log of the telemarketer's phone numbers, the date, the name of the person with whom he spoke and what he said ("Do not call again; put my number on your do-not-call-list.  If you continue to call, I will sue, and I will win.")  This attorney sued an average of two companies per week in small claims court, and was awarded the maximum amount (at that time) of $500 per case and collected $50,000 in one year!
Debt collector
Jan 4, 2009
Leaves numerous messages, recordings, etc.
Jan 7, 2009
This number has called me twice. No one speaks when I say hello . . .