+1 571-210-5551
We have got 68 reports against 5712105551
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 5712105551
Location: Virginia
Operator: Билайн
Views: 13
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Best report
Dec 3, 2014
what a joke...total scam. Just report the call to www.TIGTA.com
Recent comments:
Nov 22, 2014
We have received at least 6 of these phone calls over the last couple of months.  Knew it was a scam since we don't owe the IRS anything.  Called back to let them know my sister is a police officer and I was reporting them to the fraud Dept.  As soon as I said that I got transferred to call waiting music...MORONS!
Nov 22, 2014
got a voicemail from a guy claiming to be i_r_s with a very thick accent I called back and got a different person with a very big accent who put me on hold made no sense google the nu
mber and got this site
Nov 23, 2014
My mom got the same bogus IRS voice message on November 18.  She's 82 and has early onset dementia, so the call really confused and scared her.  I ended up playing the message over several times with/to her pointing out all the same bogus stuff others have mentioned here.  I hope nobody falls for this scam.  I also wish that someone could locate these "gentlemen" and have a "talk" with them.  Best to you all.  Take care and god bless.
Nov 23, 2014
No one can stop them.  You can protect yourself iwth a call blocker and do not pick up on calls you do not recognize.  These people are hard core Indian or Pakistani scam artists and as such beyond the reach of US law.
Nov 24, 2014
I received a call from 571-210-5551 regarding some threat of legal action for tax evasion.  Completely bogus.  Would be nice to send a destructo ray back through the wire ways to the caller.  I suspect they are using software that masks the actual numbers.  Slimy.