+1 469-608-8899
We have got 98 reports against 4696088899
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4696088899
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 43
Detailed information
Best report
Aug 7, 2014
I get phone calls from this telephone # 2 -3 times a day. I just dont pick up the phone after I read this web site.
Recent comments:
Nov 24, 2014
Portfolio has found my cell.  They hound me at work and at home, calling on Sunday mornings and late into the evenings.  I have no idea why and wont pick up to find out.  They use a multitude of area codes and numbers.  I didnt know it was this huge until reading all of the accounts.  I am fed up as I just got a call from fake IRS stating they were putting a lien on my home.  How can we stop this insanity?  Portfolio and the rest should be shut down.  
Debt collector
Nov 24, 2014
Called a few times in the last month really annoying, same portfolio recovery comes from a (757) number as well only person i know that even lived in VA is my brother 6 years ago when he was in the navy, how the F* they got MY new number is really shady and bozaare. dirty scum need REAL jobs. pathetic.
Debt collector
Nov 25, 2014
scam - get tons of calls from them... never answered one till it got worse.
called them back after they rang twice and hung up.  same as above posts... debt collectors but they said it was for someone else and they would remove my #... we will see.
Debt collector
Nov 25, 2014
They called me yesterday. I don't answer numbers I don't know. I don't know how they got my non contract phone #
Nov 25, 2014
I have researched this number and it is a fake number this call is coming out of nigeria and being sent through victims of scams internet connections , please report this number to your local offices for dealing with scams so it can be handled,and do not answer these calls,it is illegal for a collection company to use any means by which they use deception to collect a debt,this is not a real debt collector,