+1 979-202-1412
We have got 5 reports against 9792021412
The majority indicated that it is a SMS
Who called 9792021412
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
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Best report
Dec 25, 2012
Received a text message saying "hiiii (my nickname)". Since it was a Texas area code, I thought it might be one of my friends who just moved there. I asked who it was, got the reply ";) a.dd me on y.a.h.0.0. msngr .. ID is harpergirl68". I asked who (the hell) this was, they texted "sorry I have no signal ;(". I asked how they got my number, no reply yet (other replies were near-instantaneous... probably automated?

It looked similar to this issue with a Mississippi number: http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-662-594-4255

I thought it was weird they knew my nickname. I have posted on job sites w/my nickname (Monster, LinkedIn), though I am not sure if I posted my phone number there. I have my phone # on Facebook, but only visible to my friends (or so I thought.. I'm going to look into that).

Anyway, almost definitely a spammer.
Recent comments:
Dec 25, 2012
Received a text message saying "hiiii (my nickname)". Since it was a Texas area code, I thought it might be one of my friends who just moved there. I asked who it was, got the reply ";) a.dd me on y.a.h.0.0. msngr .. ID is harpergirl68". I asked who (the hell) this was, they texted "sorry I have no signal ;(". I asked how they got my number, no reply yet (other replies were near-instantaneous... probably automated?

It looked similar to this issue with a Mississippi number: http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-662-594-4255

I thought it was weird they knew my nickname. I have posted on job sites w/my nickname (Monster, LinkedIn), though I am not sure if I posted my phone number there. I have my phone # on Facebook, but only visible to my friends (or so I thought.. I'm going to look into that).

Anyway, almost definitely a spammer.
Jan 3, 2013
Yeah I just had the same thing happen to me. Except the reply I got was a.dd me on y.a.h.0.0. IM .. sn is ellaflirt75 ... and then I asked who this is again and he/she replied "sorry I have no battery life". So definitely a spam automated text message. Funny you mention job search, I just posted my resume on Monster.com and now I'm getting a spam text. WTF!!!! Job search engines are the only place I post my phone number. SPAMMERS SHOULD DIE!!!!!
Jan 5, 2013
Wow just got the same message good thing i saw this thanks for posting.
Jan 8, 2013
Got the same is there a way to block that? I really don't want scammers having my number?
Jan 22, 2013
Just got a Text from ellaflirt75 asking me to go to yahoo messenger as well except the # was a 339-204-2499 #, Dedham, Mass. Wouldnt tell me who it was when I texted back and again told me to go on messenger. Told them to call me since they had my # as I refused to go on messenger and no longer received any more texts. I called the # which of course went to a VM where u can't leave a message...convienent. Like the rest of u, I just posted on Monster within the last week and I am on LinkedIn. I contacted Monster tonight to let them know that our information is obviously not secure and multiple people applying thru them are getting the exact same messages. This is BS straight up!
Nuisance call