+1 972-852-0804
We have got 31 reports against 9728520804
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 9728520804
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 36
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Best report
Mar 22, 2016
These bunch of bozos called me twice, yesterday and today.  I ALWAYS have a healthy apprehension to any credit card companies.  Just a few questions to them, like do you have my contract available (yes they did, could they fax it to me?  No they couldn't, could you show me the EXACT date where I have been overbilled on my account, no they couldn't but they COULD do that if I faxed them my monthly bank statement - ha!  Fat chance!)  Ask a few questions of these crooks and you won't get taken for a ride!
Recent comments:
Sep 25, 2015
This number keeps calling me.  I'm actually not sure how many numbers they have or can create, but it's awful to sit there and go through all that.
Sep 30, 2015
The called both lines at the same time. I could only answer one of them. It was someone calling in regards to our merchant services account. I started asking questions only our real company would know. She could not answer them. I told her we are not interested in her gimmicks and was "disconnected."
Nov 18, 2015
We have been getting calls for 2 weeks or more with the same line about an overcharge on our credit card machine, She asks us to send copy of our last 2 statements so she can put the money back in.  Her name is Susan Jones and she has used her cell phone a couple of times when we didn't answer.  I am supposed to be getting our bookkeeper to fax her a copy tomorrow morning which will not happen!!!  Anyone know how to get them to stop calling.  It comes up on the phone as Business Serv.
Dec 11, 2015
I am the secretary for this small business. This lady named "Tonnie" (just like Honey with a "T" she said) called, said she was with Card Holder Direct & said we were overcharged since August 2015 due to not being in PCI compliance. She claimed to need the most recent (Nov 2015) statement to refund us that money, and even left a callback # of 855-881-9367 ext 1406. I was unable to get to her request that day & she called back 2 days later, asking me for the fees charged and total amount funded. I questioned her authenticity & she was very polite & convincing - explaining that she was not in the sales dept & for "our protection" she was unable to see this info. I reluctantly gave the fees & total amount charged, and she "percented-it-out" saying we were charged 3.9697% for the last 3 months and should only be charged 1.5%...BUT she could refund it & have her supervisor call me on Tuesday to confirm the refund....IF I would email my company's CardConnect statement to "statements@wholesalebanc.com" while she was on the phone with me. I told her I could not, but would email it later. She called back in about 20 min asking if I sent it yet & I told her I didn't have a chance yet....THEN got online & found it to be a scam BEFORE sending anything.
Jan 18, 2016
Scam:"Susan Jones" of "Merchant Service" phone 972-852-0899 (but has called last week from various numbers) asked rather rudely for company credit card statements Nov & Dec claiming we were overcharged some fees. Well, if that's what she claims, then should she not have all this info? How would she know we were overcharged? Also, she couldn't provide an address or her company info, P.O. box or otherwise and kept repeating my questions and angrily asked my why I was being nosy. (Plus, I know who provides our cc service) I told her to run her scam on someone else and she got pissed.