+1 972-474-9118
We have got 2 reports against 9724749118
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 9724749118
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 6
Detailed information
Best report
Feb 17, 2017
(972) 474-9118 called and left a message stating, in the same male voice as in so many of these calls, that I'd recently applied for a payday loan and am now preapproved. I didn't, and my number has been in the DNC registry for years. Scam.
Recent comments:
Feb 17, 2017
(972) 474-9118 called and left a message stating, in the same male voice as in so many of these calls, that I'd recently applied for a payday loan and am now preapproved. I didn't, and my number has been in the DNC registry for years. Scam.
Feb 23, 2017
(972) 474-9118 robocalled my DNC registry number again in the same male voice as so many of these scammy spam calls. The call incorrectly claimed I'd recently applied for a payday loan and said I should visit a web site to get funded. Surely a scam.