+1 972-280-7360
We have got 19 reports against 9722807360
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 9722807360
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 6
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Best report
Apr 30, 2016
Claimed they are from IRS!!!
Nuisance call
Recent comments:
Apr 15, 2016
This number called saying they were from US Treasury and were coming in 30 min to take me to jail for 6 months for failing to pay my federal taxes. My taxes are paid - this is some sort of scam. Not sure what they were wanting but it was scary! Shame on them!!!
Apr 20, 2016
They the call the 15 and 18 telling me to call or I will be going to Federal Court.
Apr 25, 2016
These bums have called me a number of times, yeah there nothing more than a scammer period the bums.
Apr 29, 2016
Thursday 28 April 2016 -- 10:19 am -- Caller ID said "Dallas Tx".  No message was left.  Google search reveals this is a scam that threatens legal action for back taxes.
Apr 29, 2016
Left message by a Heavily accented male calling himself Jason brown stating this is a second attempt to warn me about imminent arrest by Federal law enforcement for a criminal offense. Threatened dire consequences if I ignore. Then wished me a good day, said goodbye. This is the second message I gotten regarding this scam. The last one, a couple of months ago, was a computer generated voice message and the number was out of Washington, D.C. But the threats were the same vague crap. Blocked both numbers