+1 972-280-7286
We have got 160 reports against 9722807286
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 9722807286
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 92
Detailed information
Best report
Dec 5, 2012
This number is to a company called Prison Call Solutions (PCS). They help inmates and their families have less expensive phone charges by deposing funds into an account that serves as a local calling card, to avoid long distance charges. this company serves all US jail facilities, hence all the different caller ID locations.
Recent comments:
Jan 18, 2011
I got a call at 11.36 at night from this number no one answer. We have elderly parent and do not calls like this later at night!!!!!!
Feb 5, 2011
I got my phone in December 2010.I got a few strange calls and text messages but they eventually stopped.All except one;this number (972-280-7286) kept calling me.They would call me at least twice a week.They would call while I was at school so I was never able to answer but they did leave voice messages which were just the recordings.So today I got the same call and i answered.The recording said it was from the southeast corectional facility and someone named antwon said their name. I was given the option to reject/ignore the call and prevent the call.I hope they dont call again.Because if they do I'm getting my number changed...
Feb 23, 2011
got a call on my cell from 972-280-7286..i didn't answer, but i called back on my work line.  Got PCS, automated attendant, asking if i wanted to associate my phone number with a correctional facility account.
Feb 24, 2011
i just got a call from this number. I am at library computer room and could not pick-up so went on line and found out its probably from a correctional facility. Is it a scam to get people to pick-up or should I assume its someone I know? my kids and grandkids are all accounted for on the outside at this time.
Mar 3, 2011
This was a collect call from a friend of mine who is in the Dona Ana New Mexico Dention Center.