+1 971-217-9515
We have got 160 reports against 9712179515
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 9712179515
Location: Oregon
Operator: Билайн
Views: 53
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Best report
Jan 14, 2012
I have been receiving calls from these people for more than 5 years.  You can opt out of receiving the calls but I believe that is from the number that just called.  I have received 6 of these call within the last 9 days and my caller ID has shown 6 different numbers.  DO NOT release any info to these people.  It is a scam.
Recent comments:
Jan 12, 2012
Caller ID says "Lower interest."  I have gotten 20 -30 calls of this type, not sure if it is the same number all the time.  I did once "press 3"  in order not to receive calls again - fat lot of good that did.  These slugs should just dry up.
Jan 13, 2012
I took the call, immediately activated the 'Mute' button and listened.  It was a recorded message about lowering my credit card interest rate - I don't use credit cards - and to press the number 3 to remove my name from their list which I did.  When I told my wife what I did she informed me she has done that many times with this call with no success.  They still keep calling.  I think pressing the number 3 just verifies that they have a working number.  I don't think they have any intention of not calling again.  I will report this to the famous 'Do Not Call' list for all the good that will do.  Caller ID displayed: V01121844120090.
Jan 13, 2012
STOP these calls PLEASE  get at least 1 call a day from this # and others like it!
Jan 13, 2012
They call at least once per week leaving a message about lowering interest rate on Credit Card. Today I answered and during their recording, I hit a bunch of random numbers! Hold music comes on! I guy comes on and asks if I have more than $3,000.00 in CC debt and want to lower my rates. I tell him, "I want you to stop calling me, that's what I want!" he says, "Go [***] yourself!" and hangs up!
Jan 13, 2012
another scam robo call on a new number. same phishing scam for your credit card number.