+1 718-924-2078
We have got 9 reports against 7189242078
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 7189242078
Location: New York
Operator: Билайн
Views: 6
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Best report
Apr 19, 2017
called me so many times. never leave message. when i called back some musci and someone introduce name but i could hear this guy and i asked who is this he never answer. i said you try to scam me and i hung up.
Recent comments:
Feb 27, 2017
It called me Feb. 18th 2017 2:04pm  at & it also called me twice on February 19th, once at 1:23 pm & another at 5:25 pm? I missed the calls from being busy but what does this mean, is it just a sales number or something spiritual relating?? Someone please let me know because I have had a lot of spiritual encounterments in my life & might also have a 6th sense I didn't know I had... any info on this please? Thank you
Feb 27, 2017
Same thing happened to me, just recently feb of 2017. It called 2 times on the 19th and once on the 18th. I called it back bc I didn't answer it the times it called and all it said was "please leave a message after the tone" I did and waiting now.
Mar 17, 2017
left a message... something about computer diagnostic for a retail value of $250 at the most luxurious spa in brooklyn
Apr 19, 2017
called me so many times. never leave message. when i called back some musci and someone introduce name but i could hear this guy and i asked who is this he never answer. i said you try to scam me and i hung up.