+1 718-502-6245
We have got 44 reports against 7185026245
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 7185026245
Location: New York
Operator: Билайн
Views: 25
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Best report
Mar 11, 2016
My phone is on " don't call" list, this number called (3/10), block it, what else to do for the disturbing call?
Recent comments:
Dec 3, 2015
Like for the past three years...this call was my final notice to reduce my interest rates.  Is there anyway to stop these robo calls?  This is the one that aggrivates me the most.  I've told them I'm on the do not call list...to which they hang up.  I've asked them to remove my number from their calling list...to which they hang up...and I've pushed 3 to remove my number from their calling list.  What else can I do?????????
Dec 3, 2015
But this is the "last chance" to reduce your interest rates!!!!!  LOL!
Dec 4, 2015
We NEVER answer UNKNOWN telephone calls - nether should YOU!  These calls are always scams.
Folks - go to Amazon and purchase a blocking device that can block these our-of-state area codes.  We have all of Florida, Texass and New York area codes blocked.
Their call was blocked BEFORE they robodialed our number and our phones do not ring - not even once.
Dec 4, 2015
My problem is they always call my cell phone, which doesn't have blocking or "no ring" ability. Therefore, I just reject the call and report their latest fake number to the DNC list.
Dec 4, 2015
"Card Services" scam.

Caller: "Card Services"
Call Type: Scam