+1 661-481-6640
We have got 1 report against 6614816640
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 6614816640
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 3
Detailed information
Best report
Sep 25, 2014
Credit Card Merchant Servicer... Called 3 times, did not answer till 3rd call.  Very, very insistent - did not want to end call.  They say they do not have a "Do Not Call List".  Might have to refer them to the FCC!
Recent comments:
Sep 25, 2014
Credit Card Merchant Servicer... Called 3 times, did not answer till 3rd call.  Very, very insistent - did not want to end call.  They say they do not have a "Do Not Call List".  Might have to refer them to the FCC!