+1 661-288-2044
We have got 39 reports against 6612882044
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 6612882044
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 19
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Best report
Oct 9, 2013
thank you, that was really helpful
Recent comments:
Jul 16, 2013
On another note, I forgot to mention that I looked up this company through the Business Consumer Alliance. Go to their web site and you will find that they have been given an "F" rating, due to all of the complaints filed against them. Ladies & Gentlemen, it pays to do your research. I have contacted the local news station here, and am going to contact the local DA's office as well. This clearly is fraud and should be investigated & exposed.
Jul 16, 2013
Just to let readers know, I just filed a complaint with the FTC.
Jul 23, 2013
Damn. I'm about ready to cry. I've been looking for work for the last 6 months and this seemed like a godsend. Perfect Office assistnat job. My interview was with Dana this afternoon at 1pm. Guess I just gotta keep looking. At least now I wont be wasting gas on the drive to Santa Clarita
Jul 25, 2013
I went for a interview last week at the Santa Clarita office. I got there 30 minutes early and the lady Dana took me to a meeting room where I filled out some forms. After I filled out the forms I GOOGLE the company and this website showed up. About 30 minutes after waiting another lady come in the meeting room and I told her what I have founded on GOOGLE. After watching the out dated movie I was pulled in a office for a personal interview. During the personal interview I kept asking when I will be getting my first paid check and the guy was not giving me the right answer, so I walked out of the office and took off. Then I founded out the other lady walked out of the office after learning it will a SCAM. SO PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS OFFICE AND SAVE YOUR $75.00
Aug 1, 2013
I was going to go to this tomorrow I had an interview with Mrs Berger. Maybe I should go and have this lady arrested already. People like this should be in jail for a long time. I called the sheriff's station and nothing they can do till I am victim.  I was like ummmm be me and follow her lead. drrrrr.. The law doesn't work that way. Shes been doing this way to long to no have gotten caught. Its a fake scam. Never pay anything up front.  

My Mom saved me on this one.