+1 651-212-7766
We have got 3 reports against 6512127766
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 6512127766
Location: Minnesota
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
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Best report
May 11, 2017
That's THREATEN to put you in jail...
Recent comments:
May 11, 2017
Looks like the IRS scammers who treated to put you in jail have a new number... *sigh*
May 11, 2017
That's THREATEN to put you in jail...
May 12, 2017
LOL... they can threaten all that they wish, but here are the cold, hard facts. The REAL IRS would have used my full name in the message. The REAL IRS would have mentioned a state, county, or city from where this alleged warrant was issued. The REAL IRS has every shred of info on me before they even pick up the telephone. Plus, if there was a problem, they would mail out a letter, or 2, informing you of what the issue is. This recording was 'pieced' together (& a shoddy job if I may say so). I can hear the audible 'gaps' where words are inserted. Perhaps I should have my tax attorney return their call (as they've requested). The laugh will be on them because not only will i sue them in a civil court, but since they're misusing the IRS, that is a federal criminal offense. This time, the law suits will be REAL.