+1 647-383-2355
We have got 161 reports against 6473832355
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 6473832355
Location: Canada
Operator: Билайн
Views: 178
Detailed information
Best report
Jun 2, 2017
647-382-2355 this is my phone number and it's been my phone number for over than 3 years and I'm sick of tired of you people blaming me calling you I don't know why people calling me saying that my number showing their phones which is it's ridiculous I called my company I changed my number 3 or 4 different company and it still happening to me people calling saying that they call them are you my phone number showing the voice messages please if you see my phone number you this is not me and I don't know why it's happening to this number
Recent comments:
May 26, 2010
Received two calls.
Jul 9, 2010
this is the Bell Mobility voicemail system phone number. if you're seeing it as a missed call, perhaps it's a notification that you have a message.
Sep 2, 2010
This number called me like 20 times but never left a voice mail, and finally, yesterday this number left a voice mail and it was the voice of some girl being all like "omg last night was so fun thanks for yesterday i really enjoyed it" ...so i texted that number asking who it is, but no answer
can anyone help me?
Nuisance call
Oct 3, 2010
This number keeps on calling me but leaves no messages. Telemarketers??
Oct 31, 2010
This number showed up on my cell, it sent me browser crap, and I don't have a data package, looks like Bell is trying to get me to sign-up for a data package...  Not impressed.  Let's just send you crap from the internet that you can't control, and make you pay for it so you have no choice but to buy a data package just to save money....  If I wanted a data package, I'd have bought a smart phone...