+1 646-531-9587
We have got 2 reports against 6465319587
The majority indicated that it is a SMS
Who called 6465319587
Location: New York
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
Detailed information
Best report
Oct 16, 2016
It is a classic money laundering scam.
They send you a check, but require some of the money be sent to a "third party".
You cash/deposit the check, then use some of the cash or your own funds to send to the third party, this done via wire transfer, pre-paid debit card, or via non-bank account depositing (like iTunes gifting).
A few weeks later, the original check bounces because it was stolen, fake, or forged.
You are out the money you sent to the third party, which was really the scammer, because it was sent by unrecoverable means.
Worst still, as you cashed/deposited a stolen, fake, or forged check, you are fully responsible for the face value of the check plus any fees and can be held criminally liable as it is a crime to pass bad checks.

It sounds like you scared them off, but as you did reply to them they do now have your number and know there is a live person who will respond. These thieves have been known to sell numbers to other criminals on the black market, creating a "sucker list" for others to try and scam.
So you may start getting more scam calls/texts.
Recent comments:
Oct 16, 2016
I received a text from 646-531-9587 saying "I am interested in purchasing" an item I had listed for sale online. The next text said the person would be sending a cashier's check and asked for my name and address. I didn't think that could compromise my bank or credit card accounts, so I did. "Thomas William" texted back saying "Consider it sold to me as check would be sent out asap am." The grammar wasn't correct and I didn't hear anything more until the evening of the next day. A confusing series of texts arrived, some repeated, saying "My PA sent the CK out but i must bring something to your notice, he mistakenly wrote your name on the CK that was meant for my movers & the difference goes to the movers..." There was more but at that point I was sure this was a scam. I texted back one last time saying the FBI would get his number. I received no response. I'm sure they will use a different phone number in their next attempt. Be careful!
Oct 16, 2016
It is a classic money laundering scam.
They send you a check, but require some of the money be sent to a "third party".
You cash/deposit the check, then use some of the cash or your own funds to send to the third party, this done via wire transfer, pre-paid debit card, or via non-bank account depositing (like iTunes gifting).
A few weeks later, the original check bounces because it was stolen, fake, or forged.
You are out the money you sent to the third party, which was really the scammer, because it was sent by unrecoverable means.
Worst still, as you cashed/deposited a stolen, fake, or forged check, you are fully responsible for the face value of the check plus any fees and can be held criminally liable as it is a crime to pass bad checks.

It sounds like you scared them off, but as you did reply to them they do now have your number and know there is a live person who will respond. These thieves have been known to sell numbers to other criminals on the black market, creating a "sucker list" for others to try and scam.
So you may start getting more scam calls/texts.