+1 636-224-3542
We have got 1 report against 6362243542
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 6362243542
Location: Missouri
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
Detailed information
Best report
Jul 27, 2017
Scammers from call centers in other countries using internet searches to connect possible names to potential numbers.  Their system, using VOIP internet phones, are able to make CallerID say whatever name they want and whatever number they want to make it appear it is a local call.  Today the number ended in 3542, the day before the number ended in 3538 and 3537.  Their system will never leave a message and if you call back they will connect your number to a potential match on internet search engines making it look like they have a business relationship with you or someone related.  This time they said that they were responding to a request for them to call about a student loan forgiveness, thus circumventing "NO-CALL LISTS"
Recent comments:
Jul 27, 2017
Scammers from call centers in other countries using internet searches to connect possible names to potential numbers.  Their system, using VOIP internet phones, are able to make CallerID say whatever name they want and whatever number they want to make it appear it is a local call.  Today the number ended in 3542, the day before the number ended in 3538 and 3537.  Their system will never leave a message and if you call back they will connect your number to a potential match on internet search engines making it look like they have a business relationship with you or someone related.  This time they said that they were responding to a request for them to call about a student loan forgiveness, thus circumventing "NO-CALL LISTS"