+1 615-430-5668
We have got 0 reports against 6154305668
The majority indicated that it is a Fraudster
Who called 6154305668
Location: Tennessee
Operator: Билайн
Views: 0
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Best report
Mar 25, 2020
I also answered a Craig's List ad for an assistant in Nashville TN. The guy responded to my email, saying he is an Interior Designer and Art Collector who travels constantly and who is stuck in Turkey due to the Corona virus. He said his last assistant just got married and moved to Canada. I was not going to respond to him before checking him out to see if this appeared to be a scam, and saw the post from 2/11/20. It's obviously a scam. He says his name is Kevin Gonzales and gave the 917-999-5641 phone number.
Recent comments:
Mar 25, 2020
I also answered a Craig's List ad for an assistant in Nashville TN. The guy responded to my email, saying he is an Interior Designer and Art Collector who travels constantly and who is stuck in Turkey due to the Corona virus. He said his last assistant just got married and moved to Canada. I was not going to respond to him before checking him out to see if this appeared to be a scam, and saw the post from 2/11/20. It's obviously a scam. He says his name is Kevin Gonzales and gave the 917-999-5641 phone number.