+1 586-201-7491
We have got 15 reports against 5862017491
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 5862017491
Location: Michigan
Operator: Билайн
Views: 23
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Best report
Oct 7, 2010
what was the outcome, i got the same letter yesterday on my door
Recent comments:
Feb 18, 2010
My phone number inquiry actually results from a letter that was taped to my door when I arrived home today.  The letter stated that I was to call this number within 24 hours to schedule an appointment to receive a copy of some court papers.  The letter didn't say what the court papers were for. It just said that no information would be provided over the phone. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same or if this is some kind of scam to get me to meet with someone who could possibly cause me harm. If it were to be on behalf of a bill collector wouldn't they have to discuss the issue with me to see if I would be interested in setting up a payment arrangement? Through phone look-up I discovered the following;
Oct 7, 2010
what was the outcome, i got the same letter yesterday on my door
Oct 7, 2010
what was the outcome, i got the same letter yesterday on my door
Nov 14, 2010
Seems to be a harassing bill collector, if they are going to serve you- then why don't they Man up.  They leave [***] notes.  WTF.
Nov 14, 2010
What happened with this?  Was interested to know...