+1 567-230-5683
We have got 3 reports against 5672305683
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 5672305683
Location: Ohio
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
Detailed information
Best report
Nov 23, 2016
Received call - no message.
Recent comments:
Apr 1, 2016
Caller ID said "Med Clinic", an obvious attempt to mislead people who may have pending medical appointments. The recording of a woman, speaking English instead of some Middle Eastern dialect for a change, said someone in my home requested information about a pain-relieving brace (may have said "back" brace). No one in my home requested anything from this company, nor do we have any reason to do such a thing. Again, an obvious lie. If that is called marketing, then so be it. But i call it FRAUD. I've walked out of brick-and mortar showrooms when a salesperson fed me [***]. I certainly won't accept it from some anonymous idiot on the phone.
Apr 22, 2016
I agree with you: a shameful attempt to mislead people who may have pending medical appointments or expecting calls from their legitimate health care providers. I blocked any future calls from this number and advise anyone receiving an unexpected call from "Med Clinic" to do the same.
Nov 23, 2016
Received call - no message.