+1 530-554-2260
We have got 5 reports against 5305542260
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 5305542260
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 6
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Best report
Feb 2, 2017
was called and ignored
Recent comments:
Jan 16, 2017
Person who works with foreign on line pharmacy.  Left message, "on line pharmacy". Blocked future calls.
Feb 2, 2017
was called and ignored
Feb 14, 2017
This is a rip off online pharmacy rx online from philippines whos agents does not even know how to speak proper english. Will call you in the middle of the night asking you to buy illegal medication using western union payments!
Mar 22, 2017
Called DNC-listed mobile at night.
Type: Robo-call criminal fraudsters/Known Scam
(Why is that not an option? That's the majority of calls, along with debt collectors violating laws.)

Auto issues? I don't own even own a car - AND they called a DNC listed work mobile phone. Like do-not-call is not "fake" consumer help!

Like so many other robo-calls, scammers & criminals keep swarming to our Do-Not-Call-listed phones. Non-stop.  If only  the telcos would lift a finger and do the right thing by implementing tools which already exist which they're not sharing, despite FCC, FTC, and public pressure. When will they do it? Only AT&T appeared willing to listen to the people of America - their consumers - and announced a "strike force" over the summer to come up with a plan and solution "in October". Guess what. It's now March 2017. What happened? (Besides what we're all watching and talking about?)  They the telco's want ("need"?) yet another 6 months (7? 8?) to contemplate their navels and hope the chorus of complaints and chants to "do the right thing" just go away?

The phone companies already know what to do ("the right thing") and have the tools. When can we get relief? SPEAK OUT! Complain. Demand. If telcos knew privacy was a #1 consumer concern (beyond encrypted pass-codes), and we chose where to put our business....

We know: Do-not-call has meant nothing at all, and the clock just keeps tick-ticking away as the telephone companies ignore the outpouring of consumers (and agencies of the US too!) demanding that phone companies do the easy - and RIGHT - thing and give customers (of the non-criminal spamming variety) the right to block robo-calls and spoofed CID's. And how about enforcing existing law to end the flood of such stuff?

With these never-ending scam factories, you can block it - as I just did with this - but like a Whack-a-mole it will just come back masquerading as another number. The ONLY way to stop this nonstop glut of robocalls and spoofed scam&spam mills is to have the phone companies lift a finger (different than the one they now show consumers) and deploy the tools already there (along with Federal permission and encouragement to use them) and stop these criminals from invading our phones.

U.S. Senator Schumer is pushing legislation REQUIRING Telcos to block robo-calls and spoofs for both mobile and landline phones, a great idea which the public wants clearly, which FTC and FCC have approved, which brought competition for software which now exists for Telcos, and is being held back only because the Telco's don't feel like deploying consumer protections. Please report to local authorities and to be most effective, write your Senator and sign the Consumers Union petition demanding that Telephone Companies give us the #1 thing we so need and want - protection from robo-calls and spoofed Caller ID's.  It's easy to fix, if OUR chosen phone providers just do it, for all of us. I'd bet that the provider who does so voluntarily will get tons of new business, but as of now, none do. AT&T has finally announced an action plan to be announced in October, and then a roll-out within 60 days. It's now - hello?! - March 2017 and  we're still "on hold" to see if and when they actually decide to right and urgently-needed thing, and immediately deploy the tools they've long had at their disposal.

We need as collective mega-users of the phone companies, to DEMAND that they lift a pinky to responsibly serve consumers in America. We need Congress to act on this (along with so much else!). All we can do is raise our voices until telco's act responsibly or are ordered to do so, in the face of their continued stalling. Blocking & reporting... though it's likely spoofed and already in the wind. We need help in stopping this!

The Consumers Union petition is again available and our best tool for a loud voice as consumers upon whom the phone companies depend. It's easy to sign onto and - aside from Sen. Schumer in our oh-so-effective Congress -  offers the only loud voice the Telco's might hear through their static - worth signing still until our telephone companies - who have the fixes in hand - end this plague:

https://consumersunion.org/end-robocalls/  - Consumer Reports Petition to Telcos: Give us the tools to stop phone intrusions!

Speak out! Do-Not-Call is a joke and criminal fraudsters using robo-call and fake identities are only increasing. There's an easy fix waiting.

https://complaints.donotcall.gov/complaint/complaintcheck.aspx  - National Do-Not-Call Registry  - they *say*  they'll investigate (and then?)
Meanwhile, pray that we still have a CFPB in the near and distant future! Best thing "for the people" in decades. People, people... speak up!
Jul 15, 2017
Pharmacy sales