+1 530-377-0221
We have got 7 reports against 5303770221
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 5303770221
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 7
Detailed information
Best report
Oct 9, 2014
Since the scammers accessed the computer, they probably did one or more of the following:
• Disabled the anti-virus software
• Added nasty malware to the computer
• Copied the Contact List (so they can email your soon-to-be ex-friends)
• Copied any financial data or passwords they could find
• Compromised the ID
• "Zombied" the computer, so it would respond to THEIR commands sent via internet
• Deleted some important files
• Asked for money to repair the damage they caused

What can you do immediately after such an attack?
1.  Pull the cables on the computer, so it cannot access the internet.
2.  Change ALL  passwords stored on the computer
3.  Run FULL malware scans on the computer, in "SAFE" mode!
4.  Change the passwords again, particularly if the malware scans showed anything
5.  Inform your bank and credit card companies
6.  Sign up for credit monitoring, and check the status frequently
7.  You may have to bring the computer to a local repair shop, and tell them the story.
8.  Tell friends what happened, so they can be aware of strange emails from you
9.  Plug in the computer only AFTER all the above have been done
10.  Change the passwords on all online accounts.  Even better - access a "safe", uninfected  computer, and chance your online account passwords RIGHT NOW.

You fell for one scam, and might be susceptible to others mentioned on this site:
Read that info to educate and help protect yourself!

Honest computer companies do NOT cold-call people to tell them their computers need fixing!
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Cold-Call-Tech ... on-150170.shtml

Remember to return here, to 800notes.com, after you look at any of the information at the above sites, either to post more information, or to let us know you avoided the scam or fixed the computer correctly.
Recent comments:
Sep 25, 2014
Received a call saying my computer has been hacked and my personal info is getting out.
Wanted to know my computer serial number.
Oct 9, 2014
Same thing. Took over my computer. Claimed I had been hacked and showed me errors supposedly within the system. Said they would fix it. They verified to me my computer ID without me telling them. Now my computer wont even start up!!
Oct 9, 2014
Since the scammers accessed the computer, they probably did one or more of the following:
• Disabled the anti-virus software
• Added nasty malware to the computer
• Copied the Contact List (so they can email your soon-to-be ex-friends)
• Copied any financial data or passwords they could find
• Compromised the ID
• "Zombied" the computer, so it would respond to THEIR commands sent via internet
• Deleted some important files
• Asked for money to repair the damage they caused

What can you do immediately after such an attack?
1.  Pull the cables on the computer, so it cannot access the internet.
2.  Change ALL  passwords stored on the computer
3.  Run FULL malware scans on the computer, in "SAFE" mode!
4.  Change the passwords again, particularly if the malware scans showed anything
5.  Inform your bank and credit card companies
6.  Sign up for credit monitoring, and check the status frequently
7.  You may have to bring the computer to a local repair shop, and tell them the story.
8.  Tell friends what happened, so they can be aware of strange emails from you
9.  Plug in the computer only AFTER all the above have been done
10.  Change the passwords on all online accounts.  Even better - access a "safe", uninfected  computer, and chance your online account passwords RIGHT NOW.

You fell for one scam, and might be susceptible to others mentioned on this site:
Read that info to educate and help protect yourself!

Honest computer companies do NOT cold-call people to tell them their computers need fixing!
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Cold-Call-Tech ... on-150170.shtml

Remember to return here, to 800notes.com, after you look at any of the information at the above sites, either to post more information, or to let us know you avoided the scam or fixed the computer correctly.
Oct 10, 2014
Received same phone call from same number. Did not fall for it. In fact,  I knew it was a scam so I kept Them on the phone (waisting there time playing dumb) for a long time and they were pisses off!  A good way to get them back!  PEOPLE,  DON'T FALL FOR IT!
Nov 24, 2014
I received the call today 11-24-14. Same "MO". They said my computer had been hacked. While this guy was on the line I did a "Google Search" on the telephone number and came to this site. This guy, whom had a heavy Indian accent and said his name was William, even had my computer ID#. I don't know how they got that! I told him I would contact my own computer support company and i would have my support company contact him about any necessary repairing. I later contacted my my support company and they informed that Microsoft would never contact you by telephone. Supposedly in the end the only way this person can fixed my corrupted computer is by selling me additional software! I even called the number back and they answered by saying that it was Microsoft Windows Support or something close to that.
This is a SCAM.