+1 530-207-6120
We have got 24 reports against 5302076120
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 5302076120
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 17
Detailed information
Best report
Feb 16, 2012
Federal trade commission:18773824357, BBB of greater Houston & South Texas 7138689500
Debt collector
Recent comments:
Mar 7, 2012
Received a call from a foreign woman telling me about the Federal crimes I have committed.  I asked her to send me some documentation stating how much the debt was as well as whom it was owed.  She told me the only thing she was sending me was a subpoena.  She had the audacity to tell me how I didn't say something right!  I said "you can't even speak english and you're going to talk to me about proper grammar???"  I screamed my head off at her, ripped her a new....and hung up on her.  I was made aware of scams like these in a newspaper article.  Any legit debt collector will send you information if you request it to verify the debt.  I especially like how they say they are the Dept. of crime prevention, but when you call they just say "hello".  They get rude and try to intimidate, sadly it works a lot of times and hardworking people are getting ripped off everyday!
Debt collector
Mar 8, 2012
So I received another call today.  Sara, her name was, said they were coming to arrest me.  I told her to make sure she lets me know when, and I will have a local officer standing by.  I then called the police department and they said you can contact your phone company and have that number blocked.  I get my phone and cable thru the same company so I was able to go online to my account and block the number there.
Mar 14, 2012
i also got a call am told there would be a warrent issued to me for a bill that was not paid
Mar 15, 2012
My caller's name is Justin Miller.  Same threats.  I proved to them I did not borrow this money and they still call.  I had reported them to the Attorney General, but didn't have a name, now I do.  If my husband calls them back they won't speak with him.
Debt collector