+1 469-675-6068
We have got 33 reports against 4696756068
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4696756068
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 18
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Best report
May 29, 2015
I had a message start popping up every time I went on Firefox. It said that my Norton Antivirus software had found a virus, and that I should call the 1888-258-5284 for help. RED FLAG....I don't have NORTON!!! An Indian man, told me to remove the virus it would cost a fee of $100! SCAM!!! Googled: Firefox has virus, follow this and now everything is fixed! http://www.malwareremovalguides.info/how-to-r ... ozilla-firefox/
Recent comments:
Dec 4, 2010
same story. wanted to fix computor problem. say nothing wrong, he said ok and hung up. called next day and I did not answer. no message
Dec 14, 2010
Had a call from this # at 5:40 P.M.  Asked where he was calling from, said India. He said Windows wanted him to call and walk us thru problems they were having with virus's. on our coputer. Said we were not experiencng any problems and hung up. Reported call to Sherriff,
Dec 14, 2010
THIS IS A SCAM. Read about it here http://news.softpedia.com/news/Cold-Call-Tech ... on-150170.shtml They lie about your PC sending out malware, error messages, etc., to frighten you into giving them remote control of your PC to fix the nonexistent problem (don't let them!), find fictitious errors, viruses, etc. on your PC that they now want $$$ to fix. Don't let them take control of your PC because they can download *real* malware that can steal your info including online bank logins in addition to ripping off your $$$. THIS IS A SCAM.
Dec 14, 2010
THIS IS A SCAM. Read about it here http://news.softpedia.com/news/Cold-Call-Tech ... on-150170.shtml They lie about your PC sending out malware, error messages, etc., to frighten you into giving them remote control of your PC to fix the nonexistent problem (don't let them!), find fictitious errors, viruses, etc. on your PC that they now want $$$ to fix. Don't let them take control of your PC because they can download *real* malware that can steal your info including online bank logins in addition to ripping off your $$$. THIS IS A SCAM.
Dec 15, 2010
I got a phone call exactly like the others.. she wanted to let a tech fix my computer.  I hang up the phone figuring it was a scam.  Thankfully I did!  Hope they get caught!