+1 469-329-0189
We have got 3 reports against 4693290189
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4693290189
Location: Texas
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
Detailed information
Best report
Jan 20, 2017
Company is supposedly hiring people for $36/hr for fulltime in home work reviewing forms for the company.  They are supposedly called DataShield Inc in Addison, TX  and website is datashieldinc.com They want a $19 fee paid through PayPal to cover costs of a background check on applicants.
They also advertise on monster.com
Be very careful
It seems too good to be true.
Recent comments:
Jan 20, 2017
Company is supposedly hiring people for $36/hr for fulltime in home work reviewing forms for the company.  They are supposedly called DataShield Inc in Addison, TX  and website is datashieldinc.com They want a $19 fee paid through PayPal to cover costs of a background check on applicants.
They also advertise on monster.com
Be very careful
It seems too good to be true.
Jan 20, 2017
Good catch!

The the datashieldusa website is VERY new, and is not planned to last very long!

Mail Server is hosted by GoDaddy.com, LLC, USA - Arizona
Domain Name Server (DNS) is hosted by GoDaddy.com, LLC, USA - Arizona
Domain was created on 12/1/2016
Domain expires on 12/1/2017

datashieldinc.com displays similar information!
Mail Server is hosted by GoDaddy.com, LLC, USA - Arizona
Domain Name Server (DNS) is hosted by GoDaddy.com, LLC, USA - Arizona
Domain was created on 12/27/2016
Domain expires on 12/27/2017

The registrations are "private", and protected by a proxy.
Both websites look VERY similar, but have different phone numbers to contact.



Please reply to this post, to let us know you read it, or have taken suitable actions to protect yourself.

Jan 21, 2017
I tried to call the number provided and was unable to leave a message. I did email them for them to contact me on Monday for verification. It seems that they would cover the cover the full cost of a background check as a cost of doing business. I will see if I receive a call on Monday. It does seem to good to be true.