+1 415-767-0505
We have got 10 reports against 4157670505
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4157670505
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 5
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Best report
Jan 7, 2016
I get them constantly they call relatives and everything my local police said they have no record and either my county I have no idea what they are talking about and they won't stop if it was just me  it would bother me so but they call extended family as well any way to make them stop
Recent comments:
Jan 6, 2016
I got a call and they left an automated voice mail stating that they were turning my files over to my local jurisdiction. They did not address me by name on the voice mail. Said to call the 415 767 0505 number or press 1 for a representative. Nothing else. No company name and no name of the person that called.
Jan 7, 2016
I just got a voicemail as well, stating the exact same thing.  I have heard of this happening before.  I agree with Chrissy, if you get a phone call never give your information out.  As for their mailing address, ask them to send you documentation regarding the pending action, if they stall and don't give it to you, hang up.  It is a scam.  I wouldn't even verify the last 4 of my social.....There is a legal way for 'action' to be taken against you and them stating they are going to call the sherriff is just a scare tactic.
Jan 7, 2016
I get them constantly they call relatives and everything my local police said they have no record and either my county I have no idea what they are talking about and they won't stop if it was just me  it would bother me so but they call extended family as well any way to make them stop
Jan 7, 2016
I just Had some one call me from that number and left me a message about forwarding all files and paperwork to the county clerks office. They did not say my name in the voice message nor give any information about what they are calling for. Of course I'm sure its money. the woman on the recording said to call 1-877-626-4734 or press 1 to speak with some one. I'm sure this is a scam.
Jan 9, 2016
The same thing. They left a message stating they were turning my info over to my local jurisdiction. No other info.