+1 415-251-7129
We have got 26 reports against 4152517129
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4152517129
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 12
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Best report
Dec 21, 2012
I got a phone call earlier today from a 'Special Agent' Mike Davis with the DEA wanting to ask me a few questions related to an on-going criminal investigation. First I don't think any DEA agents speak with an obvious Middle Eastern/Indian accent; Secondly, I did have a problem in 2004 with prescription painkillers that I ordered over the Internet so I'm sure that is how they got my number. So I called them & asked for Special Agent Davis-before he could get a word out I told him that if he or any of his dope peddling buddies called me again I would report the entire incident to the head of my town's vice/narcotics unit...he tried to interject but I told him to shut up that I wasn't finished with him...he hung up on me so I went ahead & called my buddy in narcotics & he said that it was definitely a scam preying on people who had ordered meds using on-line pharmacies (he is aware of my past so I felt comfortable talking about it)...so here-I am reporting it
Recent comments:
Jun 19, 2013
Yesterday while I was at work I received a phone call from the DEA ....WHAT....Immediately called them back and a 20 minute horrific phone call warning me that I was under investigation by frank Thomas  DEA  and that I was going to be picked up, warrant for my arrest, and I was going to be booked, fingerprint and needed to hire a attorney. THIS IS A SCAM....HANG UP IMMEDIATELY AND SOMEONE PLEASE GO PUT THIS LOOSER IN JAIL.....THESE GUYS ARE GOOD, THEY SOUND LIGITAMATE, AND WILL RUIN YOUR DAY. after calling a friend on the local police force, who looked up my drivers license, THERE WAS NO WARRENT, SHE CALLED THIS DEA AGENT BACK AND SAID IT WAS A SCAM.  BUT BEWARE, THESE GUYS ARE GOOD.
Jun 29, 2013
Using name special agent Anderson, on June 25
Sep 27, 2013
Now using the name John Sullivan.
Nuisance call
Nov 22, 2013
I am from Holland and I received a message in FaceBook from Mr. M. Coportino, we had long chats and he told me he wants to visit me. I really wanted to meet this man and then he asked for money. And I transferd an amount. How stupid and naive. He never showed up. He is still in Facebook and this is a warning, I think it is a large scam organisation. The Facebook page still excits and there is a connection between this phonenumber and MCMCEngineering and Mr. Coportino. He refers to the company with this phonumber 415-251-7129. You can watch it yourself on FaceBook. First I was afraid to post this but now I'm shure, these are scammers!  I also received calls from other numbers: 0017192589206 and 00447045705727. He also used another name Mr. Bradley T. Harvey.
Mar 4, 2014
They left me a voice message saying it was an agent from the IRS and that there was a deficiency in my return. Total scam call bc I know how the IRS contacts people and at the time of the voicemail I hadn't done my taxes yet. So totally not a real thing. Block them. Report them.