+1 415-111-2000
We have got 48 reports against 4151112000
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4151112000
Operator: Билайн
Views: 19
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Best report
Jun 23, 2014
Fake Number - safe to assume a robo calling telemarketer.
Recent comments:
Jun 30, 2014
Caller told me he was calling from Microsoft with a very thick accent.  He refused to give me a real phone number for him.  He wanted information regarding my home computer.  When I told him I would call the police about his call he hung up.
Jul 1, 2014
I just received an automated call from this number saying they are calling from Microsoft and that my computer was generating some type of trouble signal and that I should press 1 to continue.  I hung up.  The automated voice even had a foreign accent if that's even possible.  Figured it was a hoax.
Jul 2, 2014
I just come here to read the posts. Got Voipo so these calls are never problem. Even if it was Microsoft calling, they don't have anybody that can fix your computer. That's why people call me.
I listed this one under Non_profit Organization, because these people don't make enough money to keep their auto dialers running. Call Type: should also have options for Scammer, Spoofed, and Phishing.
Non-profit Organization
Jul 2, 2014
Got a call from a "Microsoft" tech saying there was an issue with Microsoft update. (It's Windows Update. Strike #1) Caller ID said Unknown Caller from 415-111-2000 (Microsoft calling from a blocked ID? Strike #2) I asked some basic questions like what computer are you referring to? What OS are you referring to? (He could not answer the first one, only said Windows 7 Home Premium after me asking him 3x. (Strike #3, you're out!) At that point, I said he sounds like a scam artist, and he got testy and said "I can't help you, I don't have time for the likes of you." All with a heavy Indian accent.
Jul 2, 2014
These people got your phone number from your internet service provider because you're using voip for your phone service.
It started as a recording, then press one to talk to a live body. I'm calling my cable company right now to confirm.