+1 408-587-2143
We have got 54 reports against 4085872143
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4085872143
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 24
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Best report
May 31, 2008
An auto warranty voice recording. After I pressed one I told them wasn't interested and they immediately hung up. They called again in three minutes. Needless to say I think they got the message that time
Recent comments:
May 29, 2008
Auto warrenty recording. Always the same female voice on recording. After you press one a guy asks for the make and model of vehicle. I asked him to tell me since he called and he hung up.
Also got calls from:
May 31, 2008
An auto warranty voice recording. After I pressed one I told them wasn't interested and they immediately hung up. They called again in three minutes. Needless to say I think they got the message that time
May 31, 2008
I received the same call recording. Caller ID identified it as a cell phone number.  The recording stated my car warranty was about to expire. I pressed 1 to be connected to an agent, started to explain that I do not own a vehicle with a warranty, before I could finish I was hung up on. I immediately called backed only to get an apology recording stating they only contact businesses and to press 1 to be removed from the call list. Very annoying and rude!  What ever happened to good business practices?? Is there anyway I can find out what company is doing this?
May 31, 2008
I received a call from this just after my phone dial 408-523-8776 the Sprint GPS voice address info.  Then I received a call from 408-587-2143 stating that my car warranty was about to expire. I pressed 1 to be connected to an agent. He ask me for the year and make of my vehicle. I told him that he had the wrong number and ask him to take my number off the list.  He was very rude and said next just don't press 1 and then he hung up.
May 31, 2008
I get calls from this number everyday saying that my car warranty has or is about to expire.  I followed the prompt by pressing 1 to speak to a represenative and told him to remove my number from their calling list and he just hung up on me.  I called the number back and got a recording to press 1 to remove my number from the list.  I don't think it'll work though.