+1 407-999-9699
We have got 3 reports against 4079999699
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4079999699
Location: Orlando, FL
Operator: Билайн
Views: 3
Detailed information
Best report
Oct 20, 2008
Call received today, but I don't answer this type of call.  Caller ID was unknown
Recent comments:
Aug 7, 2008
Upon calling number back, female voice says number is not in service - this is followed by a fax tone.
Fax machine
Aug 7, 2008
I think this one is a scam.  The recording when you pick up says you have won a free cruise and press 9 to redeem the prize.  I looked the number up on a US site and they are in Florida.  my husband got sucked into the trap before and we ended up paying money for a free trip and had to spend days doing time share tours.  If you didn't do the tours you had to pay for everything on the trip.  (Only free thing really was the hotel which was crap).
Oct 20, 2008
Call received today, but I don't answer this type of call.  Caller ID was unknown