+1 407-000-4789
We have got 5 reports against 4070004789
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 4070004789
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
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Jan 19, 2009
Credit card telemarketer offering to reduce interest. Used an auto-dialer. Losers
Jan 20, 2009
I am so sick of these calls - it should be against the law for this type of calls - when people are sick and have to get up to answer a call and then they have NOTHING.  I do not know who they are but I have made my mind up - I WILL NEVER ANSWER ANOTHER NUMBER THAT SHOWS ON MY CALLER ID THAT I DO NOT KNOW - SO LEAVE A MESSAGE IF YOU KNOW ME AND WANT TO TALK TO ME AND YOU HAVE AN UNKNOWN, 000 NUMBER OF AN 800 NUMBER.
Jan 21, 2009
1/20/09 called telling us urgent that we call back to reduce interest rate on credit cars or press 9.. auto dialer call...

submitted complaint to FTC
Jan 27, 2009
They said they were from card services and could lower my card balance since I have paid my credit cards on time for the last 6 months.  I asked which card are you calling about.  His comment was my visa and master card.  I asked which card.  He would not answer.  I told him I do not have a balance on my cards and he hung up.
Feb 4, 2009
This is the second time I have gotten a call from these people. First time was from a phone number that came up as 407-000-4789 Florida call on my caller ID. Today it was this number 305-836-7371.

When I punched 1 to talk to a person, I got a guy on the phone, started to tell him that last time someone called I wanted to be taken off of the call list, but the person hung up on me, and just as I was starting to say "hung up on me" this idiot from today HUNG UP ON ME!

Tried calling back and recording says that the call has been disconnected.

They better hope they never call me back again or whoever is on the end of the line the next time is going to get an air horn in the ear.