+1 404-424-8402
We have got 5 reports against 4044248402
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 4044248402
Location: Georgia
Operator: Билайн
Views: 2
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Best report
Feb 26, 2014
Please say why you call my phone number every day.
Recent comments:
Feb 26, 2014
calls everyday multiple times a day and just hang up right when i answer..
Feb 26, 2014
Please say why you call my phone number every day.
Mar 9, 2014
Because your history and profile make it obvious that a you are an easy target for scams.
Mar 25, 2014
@D.I. Marketing .....No one's profile indicates that they are an easy target. Looks like YOU got taken.

Sooooo funny... a scam-artist getting scammed..... scam-artistry all gone wrong. HA!!!!!

You're just a regular a - hole who bought into a scam by purchasing a list/block of phone numbers. Just because some jerk like yourself claims that a list/block of phone numbers are 'easy target victims' and sold you a lie doesn't mean that it's true.

Sucker born every minute... just like you.  Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Nuisance call
Mar 25, 2014
Claimed to be from the the Credit Bureau and want to help me with my credit card problems. Told him about not owning any credit card, so he decided to bid good bye, but I wished him for a more possitive use of his  given talent, and not to con and destroy others for his own purpose, then heard CLICK, end of conversation. CAREFUL ALL, DO NOT ALLOW THIS DIRTBAG TO GET INTO YOUR LIFE.....Aloha!!!!
Debt collector