+1 386-121-1267
We have got 1 report against 3861211267
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 3861211267
Operator: Билайн
Views: 3
Detailed information
Best report
Feb 15, 2016
Caller claimed to be calling from Medicare.  Asked my height and weight then went into a sales pitch about things that Medicare does not cover especially death benefits and burial costs.  She then asked my permision to have another company call me to discuss burial insurance.  I told her I do not give my permission and hung up.
Recent comments:
Feb 15, 2016
Caller claimed to be calling from Medicare.  Asked my height and weight then went into a sales pitch about things that Medicare does not cover especially death benefits and burial costs.  She then asked my permision to have another company call me to discuss burial insurance.  I told her I do not give my permission and hung up.