+1 323-203-0644
We have got 1 report against 3232030644
The majority indicated that it is a SMS
Who called 3232030644
Location: California
Operator: Билайн
Views: 4
Detailed information
Best report
Feb 17, 2015
Mike king or " trippy king" as he calls himself. He is a ignorant drug addict that texts me calling me a [***] and other awesome names. I believe he's looking for a girl named Alicia ray. She has had my phone number in the past and I get calls for her all the time! This guy has hit my last nerve !!!!
Recent comments:
Feb 17, 2015
Mike king or " trippy king" as he calls himself. He is a ignorant drug addict that texts me calling me a [***] and other awesome names. I believe he's looking for a girl named Alicia ray. She has had my phone number in the past and I get calls for her all the time! This guy has hit my last nerve !!!!