+1 202-239-0118
We have got 7 reports against 2022390118
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 2022390118
Location: Washington D.C.
Operator: Билайн
Views: 7
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Best report
Aug 2, 2014
This is a Pakistan or India based IRS scam. Do not fall for this. The IRS does not initiate any legal action via phone.  
Read http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/press/press_tigta-2014-03.htm

There are a few things you can do:
1) Report it to TIGTA under http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/contact_report_scam.shtml
2) Help kill their phone lines. The scammers use voice over IP lines (e.g. magicjack (Ymax corporation)) to make it seem as if they are calling from the US. This is always against these companys' terms of use and can lead to termination of their contract. However most of the time only law enforcement can initiate the contact if you yourself are not a customer. Therefore, report it also to your local law enforcement agency.
3) Ultimately this is a case for the FBI legal attache in Islamabad or New Delhi. So if you are really annoyed: call or write to your representative in Congress. As these scams happen all over the country maybe this will trigger a reaction and provide US law enforcement agencies the political backing and the resources they need to work in India and Pakistan with local authorities. Such a task force has already been set up in Jamaica to nab scammers there (see http://www.ice.gov/doclib/news/library/reports/cornerstone/cornerstone7-1.pdf). It can happen on the subcontinent as well if you only take a little time to write and voice your anger. You can use the following template for your letter or email:

Use the district office address of your senator as displayed on http://www.senate.gov/ 
Your letter should be addressed as follows:
The Honorable (full name)
United States Senate
Mailing Address of District Office
City, State, Zip Code

Representatives (House)
Use the district office address of your district representative as displayed on
Your letter should be addressed as follows:
The Honorable (full name)
United States House of Representatives
Mailing Address of District Office
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Senator/Representative XXX

As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to demand decisive action from the FBI, the IRS and other federal agencies against organized crime directed against American citizens from abroad.

As widely reported by local and national media all across the United States and warned about by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (see http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/press/press_tigta-2014-03.htm) a tidal wave of fraud using Internet phones has hit the United States. Millions of dollars already have been stolen by criminals impersonating federal officers while hiding in countries like India and Pakistan, where most of the calls originate. There seems to be no end of it in sight.

I have personally been targeted by these scammers but it is the most vulnerable among us that I am concerned about primarily. The scheme is specifically singling out those that can least defend themselves against these crimes, in particular the elderly. I am also worried that given the origin of these gangsters, the money stolen from US citizens may be used for financing of terrorism or other activities directed against the national interests of the United States. But in spite of this clear and present danger to our country and its citizens I have seen no action worth mentioning by the FBI, the IRS or other federal agencies so far.

As a member of Congress overseeing the law enforcement agencies tasked with fighting fraud and ensuring national security, I implore you to make sure that they act on these threats and are given all the necessary resources to target these criminals in cooperation with foreign law enforcement.

Yours sincerely
Recent comments:
Aug 2, 2014
There is a guy name Alan Cooper keep calling from this number, makes it sound like urgent? Does anybody knows who is this guy?
Aug 2, 2014
This is a Pakistan or India based IRS scam. Do not fall for this. The IRS does not initiate any legal action via phone.  
Read http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/press/press_tigta-2014-03.htm

There are a few things you can do:
1) Report it to TIGTA under http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/contact_report_scam.shtml
2) Help kill their phone lines. The scammers use voice over IP lines (e.g. magicjack (Ymax corporation)) to make it seem as if they are calling from the US. This is always against these companys' terms of use and can lead to termination of their contract. However most of the time only law enforcement can initiate the contact if you yourself are not a customer. Therefore, report it also to your local law enforcement agency.
3) Ultimately this is a case for the FBI legal attache in Islamabad or New Delhi. So if you are really annoyed: call or write to your representative in Congress. As these scams happen all over the country maybe this will trigger a reaction and provide US law enforcement agencies the political backing and the resources they need to work in India and Pakistan with local authorities. Such a task force has already been set up in Jamaica to nab scammers there (see http://www.ice.gov/doclib/news/library/reports/cornerstone/cornerstone7-1.pdf). It can happen on the subcontinent as well if you only take a little time to write and voice your anger. You can use the following template for your letter or email:

Use the district office address of your senator as displayed on http://www.senate.gov/ 
Your letter should be addressed as follows:
The Honorable (full name)
United States Senate
Mailing Address of District Office
City, State, Zip Code

Representatives (House)
Use the district office address of your district representative as displayed on
Your letter should be addressed as follows:
The Honorable (full name)
United States House of Representatives
Mailing Address of District Office
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Senator/Representative XXX

As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to demand decisive action from the FBI, the IRS and other federal agencies against organized crime directed against American citizens from abroad.

As widely reported by local and national media all across the United States and warned about by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (see http://www.treasury.gov/tigta/press/press_tigta-2014-03.htm) a tidal wave of fraud using Internet phones has hit the United States. Millions of dollars already have been stolen by criminals impersonating federal officers while hiding in countries like India and Pakistan, where most of the calls originate. There seems to be no end of it in sight.

I have personally been targeted by these scammers but it is the most vulnerable among us that I am concerned about primarily. The scheme is specifically singling out those that can least defend themselves against these crimes, in particular the elderly. I am also worried that given the origin of these gangsters, the money stolen from US citizens may be used for financing of terrorism or other activities directed against the national interests of the United States. But in spite of this clear and present danger to our country and its citizens I have seen no action worth mentioning by the FBI, the IRS or other federal agencies so far.

As a member of Congress overseeing the law enforcement agencies tasked with fighting fraud and ensuring national security, I implore you to make sure that they act on these threats and are given all the necessary resources to target these criminals in cooperation with foreign law enforcement.

Yours sincerely
Aug 2, 2014
YMax Communications Corporation has these numbers originated.
Aug 5, 2014
Complete fraud saying hes from IRS and will deport. BS and waste of time
Aug 5, 2014
Report the Calls to the real IRS here:
•report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 800-366-4484.
•You can also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at FTC.gov. Add "IRS Telephone Scam" to the comments in your complaint.

Do consider maybe getting a call blocking device or phone.. You can google them and many are around $60.00 or so.