+1 202-047-1885
We have got 1 report against 2020471885
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 2020471885
Operator: Билайн
Views: 20
Detailed information
Best report
Mar 19, 2010
This person calls DAILY sometimes 2 and 3 times a day looking for my husband and when I ask what it is about he tells me that my husband called his secretary and he was returning the call.  When I attempt to find out why he is calling and from what company he goes off on me telling me what a piece of work I am cursing me out and then says he feels sorry for my spouse with me being such a contolling person.
Recent comments:
Mar 19, 2010
This person calls DAILY sometimes 2 and 3 times a day looking for my husband and when I ask what it is about he tells me that my husband called his secretary and he was returning the call.  When I attempt to find out why he is calling and from what company he goes off on me telling me what a piece of work I am cursing me out and then says he feels sorry for my spouse with me being such a contolling person.