+1 202-014-7754
We have got 1 report against 2020147754
The majority indicated that it is a Nuisance call
Who called 2020147754
Operator: Билайн
Views: 2
Detailed information
Best report
Aug 9, 2016
After blowing my phone up to "give " me "free" money they threatened me, saying they know where I live and all of this, it's a scam and it's ridiculous, place this number on your block list, you will know it isn't really as soon as you answer the phone, they won't tell your their name or anything.. do not trust them and DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY
Nuisance call
Recent comments:
Aug 9, 2016
After blowing my phone up to "give " me "free" money they threatened me, saying they know where I live and all of this, it's a scam and it's ridiculous, place this number on your block list, you will know it isn't really as soon as you answer the phone, they won't tell your their name or anything.. do not trust them and DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY
Nuisance call