+1 202-000-0007
We have got 49 reports against 2020000007
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 2020000007
Operator: Билайн
Views: 26
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Best report
Apr 21, 2015
received a call from a202-666-9111 number said that they were al-quaida, and they were going to kill me and my family and rape daughter.... [***]! I served for 7 years in the Army, who the hell are these people, and no they are not scaring me, just pissing me off!!!!!!
Recent comments:
Jan 7, 2015
This number called, answered and was silent on the other end until they finally hung up.. More than likely a scam.
Jan 8, 2015
Got a call from this number at 11:59 am today. Didn't answer and they didn't leave a message.
Jan 10, 2015
Got a call today from this number....noise background & the gentleman was asking to speak to Suzanne before zi told him he had the wrong number he hung up
Jan 14, 2015
I got a call from this number a few minutes ago.. They claimed that i had a $7000 grant from the U.S. Government waiting for me with no tax that I would never have to pay back, but here's the best part; he started saying I sound sexy and beautiful and I told him he's disgusting. He then said "don't you want to talk to me?" And I said "no, you're disgusting" then my mom walked into my room and I put my phone on speakerphone as he continues to say the grossest things I have ever heard. I even told him I'm underage (im only 17) and to take my number off of the calling list. My mom took my phone and yelled at him, and he just sat there laughing.. I hung up my phone at that point, but he keeps calling back over and over.
Jan 22, 2015
Just like my mommy used to tell me , Don't talk to strangers. Do if I don't recognize the phone number
dont answer especially when the number looks like this one