+1 201-257-4201
We have got 48 reports against 2012574201
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 2012574201
Location: New Jersey
Operator: Билайн
Views: 35
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Best report
Mar 16, 2010
My mother has been geting her alot of calls from 0201 257 4201 asking how much she paidsfor her electric bills she tells them not to call, but they still do.

i answered once and they would not say who they were
Recent comments:
Jun 13, 2008
This comes up as Online Edu but nobody talks when you answer it
Jul 10, 2008
constanlty keeps calling, doen't leave a message and no one was there the one time I had someone answer. Who is this?
Jul 21, 2008
Within the last month, I must have received 10 calls from this number.  THey never leave messages.  Well when they called today, I decided to pick it up to see who was trying so desperately to reach me.  A woman with a VERY thick Indian accent said that she was from LifeLock, and that she got my information from the credit bureaus and that I had been charged between 500 and 700 dollars last year and that they wanted to refund the money back to me.  She rattled off my mailing address, and asked for my visa card#.  I told her that if they wanted to refund money to me and they obviously had my address that she should just send me a check.  Then I went to the LifeLock site while I was still on the phone with her.  I told her that I thought it was strange that a company whose purpose was to protect my identity was trying to get credit card informnation over the phone...  I said that I needed to verify the phone number and company and that I would call her back and of course, she said she couldnt receive incoming phone calls.  I hung up on her.  When I did call the number, it's a Continuing Education number.  WHen you call, it gives you the option to add yoursef to their do not call list or speak to someone regarding getting a degree online.  When you accept that option, the line goes dead - no surprise there.  I then called LifeLock and alerted them of this and they said that it was a ongoing scam, that they were aware of it and reporting it to the appropriate authorities.

I think it is SO disturbing that these folks actually take the time to contact people to try to scam them out of their money, and it's even more unfortunate that some people are so trusting that they will believe callers like this and give their personal info.

Be careful!
Jul 26, 2008
Someone from this number called me and wanted me to continue my education online. When I told them to remove my name from the calling list the guy started screaming at me and told me that not only would he remove my name from the calling list that I  would be removed from this world and that I was going to die the next day. So when I tried calling back to report this man I kept getting the online education that give you the option to press 1 to be removed from their calling list or press 2 to speak with someone. When you press 2 the line goes dead. Hopefully these people get caught soon.
Aug 7, 2008
I get a call 2-3 times per week trying to follow up on a "vacation club package."  Since I never bought one, they try to sell me one.  When I ask for a name or a company, they do not respond, they hang up.