+1 201-254-3428
We have got 17 reports against 2012543428
The majority indicated that it is a Other
Who called 2012543428
Location: New Jersey
Operator: Билайн
Views: 17
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Best report
Apr 21, 2009
I have got this number come up on my cell phone for the past 2 weeks and they call me no lie about 40 times a day  maybe more the past 4 hours they called me 56 times i just called it back and you hit 2 and type in your number to take off the list The do not call list and i have not got any calls from it yet
Recent comments:
Apr 21, 2009
This number has called me. 20 times in the last 2 days.
Apr 21, 2009
They called here 21 times in about the last three hours.
Apr 21, 2009
I have got this number come up on my cell phone for the past 2 weeks and they call me no lie about 40 times a day  maybe more the past 4 hours they called me 56 times i just called it back and you hit 2 and type in your number to take off the list The do not call list and i have not got any calls from it yet
Apr 22, 2009
I get about 15-20 calls daily on my cell phone from this number... I finally picked it up and they tried to get me to pay for shipping on federal grants, so they could send me information, they wanted my Credit card info, and i hung up on them. I tried to remove my number but they still call. SO that i what this number was calling me for.
Apr 22, 2009
I got 40 calls today and about 40 yesterday...no message trying to call and press 2 hopefully that idea works