+1 20101004058
We have got 2 reports against 20101004058
The majority indicated that it is a SMS
Who called 20101004058
Operator: Билайн
Views: 7
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Best report
Apr 15, 2010
Keep getting Islamic texts from +20101004058.
Anyone else getting this problem?
Google'd the number, and haven't got anything!
Recent comments:
Apr 15, 2010
Keep getting Islamic texts from +20101004058.
Anyone else getting this problem?
Google'd the number, and haven't got anything!
Apr 15, 2010
I got the same message you got sent about midday today. They sent it to me and I just managed to get it onto my laptop to translate it...
This is what it says:
"Greetings, Hajj Hamed you would like to meet you before your trip and a friend of mine wants an advisory opinion, but I am not able to arrange the appointment to the lack of your time and time does return to the Giza soon, God willing? And I still expected French writer's book about the fact the events of September do not forget the gift and pray and really ... and very Hhetny O our sheikh Galilee son Yasser Mokhtar Haji Abdul Hakim Naseeb Atia"

I have no idea whether or not we should be worried about this but its probably just some sort of chain text.
All i can say is we probably aren't the only ones to get this.