+44 330 303 5293
We have got 1 report against 03303035293
The majority indicated that it is a Telemarketer
Who called 03303035293
Operator: Билайн
Views: 0
Detailed information
Best report
2 Oct 2019
O2, possibly, called my mobile trying to sell expensive tariff but I'm on PAYG which caller didn't know so unsure it was from O2! Beware, prob a scam - certainly don't tell any account - bank details. If O2 then against TPS rules and fine could be very high.
Recent comments:
2 Oct 2019
O2, possibly, called my mobile trying to sell expensive tariff but I'm on PAYG which caller didn't know so unsure it was from O2! Beware, prob a scam - certainly don't tell any account - bank details. If O2 then against TPS rules and fine could be very high.